The FSF seeks to give voice to and exert influence in shaping future policy and strategy related to the UK Fire Sector.
The Federation is a not for profit non-government organisation established to act as a forum for the discussion of fire-related issues of interest to its membership and to evolve as a central source of information on all aspects relating to fire. It brings together representatives from a range of stakeholders which make up the UK Fire Sector.
Originally formed in 2011 as the Fire Sector Partnership, the Fire Sector Federation was established in June 2012 following a merger with the Federation of British Fire Organisations (FOBFO).
The FSF was originally established in response to the Fire Futures review. Launched in July 2010 by the Fire and Rescue Minister Bob Neill MP, this was a strategic review of fire and rescue provision designed to enable sector partners to shape the future direction of fire and rescue services in England. It was undertaken and led by the sector with contributions from a wide range of representative bodies and organisations.
As a result of the review, the Government made it clear that it no longer intended to control and direct the way fire and rescue services are delivered and instead expects the fire sector to take a lead in shaping policy.
The FSF provides a broad spectrum of opinion from the fire sector. It encourages horizontal integration and attempts to cut silo mentality in working practices by addressing both the built and natural environment, as well as fire and rescue service issues.
The FSF meets regularly in open forum, bringing together the broad knowledge, experience and skills that exist across the sector, with the intent of maximising effective use of this accumulated expertise to improve the safety of the nation. It seeks to articulate unambiguously, opinions and advice on behalf of the unified sector for the overall benefit of UK communities. It aims to improve communications and cooperation to help drive efficiency, common policy and common standards.
The Federation is a Company limited guarantee managed by a Board of Directors elected annually by Members. Michael Harper leads the current Board who each have leadership roles focused upon technical and organisational responsibilities.
Directors lead initiatives, develop and promote policies for the Federation by consulting and networking with members and listening and consulting within and outside the Federation. Further detail on the Board members their roles and responsibilities can be found in the Networking section.
The FSF will give a voice to the sometimes differing views held within the federation.
The FSF aims to
Secure a safer society from fire and to facilitate the development of an informed fire sector, through original research and objective analysis.
academic research and fire and rescue service evaluation and reviews;
people, disseminating knowledge and promulgating best practice;
Find solutions
to complex situations, integrating strengths and capacity;
Continuously improve
performance, reporting auditing and evaluating and assisting self-development;
Build knowledge
and capacity, in skills, organisations, leadership and understanding;
to speak for the fire and rescue industry when cross industry standards need to be set.