The Next Stage in demonstrating Competency
The release of the draft British Standard 8674 for public comment is a timely reminder to everyone involved with fire risk assessment of the continued progress being made towards meeting professional standards and ultimately providing higher public assurance in this crucial fire safety task.
The Fire Sector Federation has long championed independent third-party assessment as the best way to demonstrate competence in fire related occupations. The need for independent oversight was also emphasised in Dame Judith Hackitt’s building safety report and echoed by MPs following their review of the Grenfell Tower fire.
Seeking to advance independent rigour during the intervening period industry based fire risk assessors have worked collectively to build a new competence process. Producing guidance and coordinating efforts they have developed a new conformity based system in which this drafted British Standard is an integral part.
Defining competence will help ensure the person applying in practice the well-established fire risk assessment method, already outlined in PAS 79, is the correct person for the task. Together the standards therefore offer duty holders, who have a legal responsibility to undertake a fire risk assessment, reassurance that they are meeting their duty.
The new industry agreed conformity based system is based upon the UKAS accreditation process and the UK’s Regulated Qualifications Framework. Certificates, gained through a UKAS Scheme, and qualifications, from an RQF Awarding Organisation, when matched to one of the three fire risk assessor tiers described in the British Standard, are intended to show a clear level of competence.
Fire risk assessors operating within the conformity process will be able to demonstrate their competence helping both duty holders and the public navigate what is currently a confusing situation. Given calls for improved transparency already exist a transition from the present unregulated situation will be supported by these changes.
Many experienced fire risk assessors, including those already having UKAS certificates or RQF qualifications, will and should check their conformity to the new British Standard. The Federation, with partners from the fire risk assessors industry, is involved in ongoing work with UKAS and RQF organisations, to support transition from existing schemes and qualifications to meet the Standard.
Release of the draft Standard is therefore a milestone going forward for fire risk assessors who seek to demonstrate competence through compliance with the new conformity based system.