Returning to work prompts many questions on health and safety…..
As the UK starts a careful and cautious return to normality many questions are having to be asked about how best to plan and undertake everyday tasks while maintaining hygiene and social distancing given the threat of infection and spread remains.
The workplace can and must remain safe. Members of the fire sector at their recent annual meeting considered the many questions these challenges present and ideas that will help get the fire economy safely moving again.
A helpful guidance check list, which has sections aimed at the workforce, management and reviving success, has been produced and is freely available on the Federation’s advice web page to be found at covid-19-revival-planning
A key component for a safe return to any workplace is to make sure that all fire safety arrangements are appropriate, in place and operating correctly. This is especially important at this time because the lockdown period has been so extensive and social distancing has been introduced.
Reviewing the existing fire risk assessment is a good way of identifying any alterations and additions that affect workplace safety.
The lockdown could have reduced opportunities for maintenance or monitoring of fire safety equipment and systems, so again system and equipment checks are worthwhile.
Carefully refresh workplace escape and evacuation arrangements. Changes may have been made to how the workplace is used, in support of social distancing, and some changes may alter access and egress routes through doors, stairways and passage ways. Additional signage and different door fittings may be needed followed by staff testing and practices.
Members of the Federation with the specialised knowledge to assist may be found listed on the web pages at fire safety services