The Fire Sector Federation has submitted its recommendations for the Terms of Reference for the Public Inquiry into the Grenfell Tower fire.
The FSF believes that the terms of reference for the Inquiry should be wide ranging and considers that, as well as the immediate cause of the fire and its spread, the Inquiry should investigate whether there is currently a systemic inadequacy in the fire safety control, regulation and enforcement regime across the built environment in England.
The paper outline five key areas for review:
1. The immediate cause of the fire and the deaths & casualties
2. Product, materials, system specification and testing
3. Building Regulations and guidance
4. The construction and enforcement process
5. Competency and the impact of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order
The response also outlined the type of evidence the FSF deemed essential for the Inquiry to obtain and what should be dealt with in the Interim and main Inquiry reports.
Click to view the FSF Grenfell Terms of Reference response
The Inquiry is to be formally opened on 14 September and a Protocol for the Receipt and Handling of Documents has been released which covers the disclosure and submission of evidence to the Inquiry.
For further information on the Inquiry visit the Grenfell Tower Inquiry website