Bringing a unified voice to exert influence in shaping future policy and strategy related to the UK fire sector
The UK’s fire safety sector is at a critical juncture. In the wake of the Grenfell Tower fire, the report on Building a Safer Future, changes to Building Regulations, the introduction of sprinklers in high-rises, the Government’s Building Safety Review and the ongoing public inquiry, it has never been more important to be involved, to have your say and help shape the future of fire safety in the UK.
Having a broad spectrum of opinions from across the fire sector, the Fire Sector Federation cuts through the silo mentality in working practices by addressing a wide variety of fire safety issues with a single voice.
Working to bring together a breadth of knowledge, experience and skills from across the sector, the Federation articulates opinion and advice in a helpful and constructive way to inform and influence decision and policy makers’ actions to improve the nation’s fire safety.
Sharing information to keep its membership up-to-date with regular Newsletters it also uniquely supports the All-Party Parliamentary Fire Safety and Rescue Group helping secure a unified fire sector to assist parliamentarians drive efficiency, common policy and standards.
A regular contributor and participant in the myriad of fire safety consultations, standards and working groups that exist, the aim always is to help develop, improve and support action. Action like those to:
* recover from Covid-19, build industry competency,
* inform building construction,
* advance understanding about fire and how to combat and contain its destruction,
* learn from international partners,
* promote good practice, and
* offer the public the assurance that the fire sector acts responsibly and is always on their side…
The Federation Chairman Michael Harper says…
“Join now to make sure your voice is heard”
“Membership of the Fire Sector Federation is open to any organisation able to demonstrate a shared commitment and legitimate interest in the built, natural, fire and rescue service or national resilience environments.”
“Join the Fire Sector Federation today and help us all secure a safer society from fire “