In a shortly to be published article the Federation argues that the total loss of two modern buildings in early August, in a retirement home and a national chain hotel, questions whether the fire safety quality of what is now being provided for our built environment is right.
Highlighting how fortunate it was there was no immediate loss of life whilst accepting there was undoubtedly trauma suffered by over hundred elderly residents, it prompted a question about what might have happened if these fires occurred on a dark winter’s night.
This is a continuing concern that has seen the Federation contact the Chair of Parliament’s Housing Communities and Local Government Select Committee supporting the Committee’s action and raising key matters in the government’s proposals. Matters like clarity on buildings out of scope; the lack of detail surrounding the role of new regulators; and the wisdom of telescoping prescription, functionality and safety case frameworks into one overall system.
Given a great deal of what makes buildings fire safe is also about understanding fire risk added suggestions were inclusion of third party validation and certification, having good technical advice and applying standards by competent people.
Saying enough is already known about the fire safety performance of contemporary building construction it was important to ask if the Government’s reform proposals will be sufficient address these problems the conclusion was that the opportunity to get fire safety on the right track is with us now and we all need to play our part.